Up We Build: Bangladeshi engineer Hasib's journey with CSCEC

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The Up We Build program is a sustainable development initiative by CSCEC, focusing on talent training in regions like South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The program targets different key groups, including CSCEC employees, university students, and youth, providing them with various training and cultural exchange activities.


In 2020, Hasib, a Bangladeshi engineer, became one of the first participants in the program. He formed a close mentor-student relationship with his Chinese mentor, Shang Fei, who patiently guided him through his work.

Over his four years with CSCEC, Hasib has participated in numerous cross-cultural exchange activities and social volunteer events alongside colleagues from various countries. One of his most memorable experiences was the International Children's Day event this year, where he and project volunteers visited an orphanage near the project site. They brought holiday gifts, including backpacks, badminton sets, and footballs, to the children.



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