Topping out ceremony for control tower at Iraq's Nasiriyah International Airport EPC project held

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CSCEC has successfully completed the topping out of the control tower at the Nasiriyah International Airport EPC project in Iraq, laying a solid foundation for the development of a major aviation hub in southwestern Iraq.


The control tower

The long-term plan for the airport envisions an annual passenger flow of 2.5 million. Upon completion, it will become the aviation center in southwestern Iraq and significantly enhance transportation in the region.


The control tower, the tallest building in the project, stands at approximately 39.3 meters high, with a total floor area of about 400 square meters across nine floors. The tower's design incorporates elements inspired by local date palm trees and traditional arch shapes. Once operational, it will serve as the airport's command center, overseeing aircraft takeoffs and landings, flight path planning, and air traffic management within the airport's controlled airspace.

Currently, most of the structures at the project have reached structural completion. Work on landside structures, interior decoration, and airside earthwork and lighting installation is underway. The construction of the airport's rapid access road has progressed to the subbase layer.

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