Iraqi Minister of Transport visits the Nasiriyah International Airport EPC project

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Accompanied by Mortada al-Ibrahimi, the Governor of Dhi Qar, and other officials from CSCEC, Iraqi Minister of Transport Razazzaq Muhaibis al-Saadawi recently visited the Nasiriyah International Airport EPC project constructed by CSCEC.


Minister Sadawi and his delegation visited key areas of the project including the main terminal building, runway, apron, hotel, and other facilities.



The airport, situated in the southwestern city of Nasiriyah, is designed to be a 4E international standard facility. The project encompasses the construction of a new main terminal, VIP terminal, hotel, and air traffic control tower, covering a total area of approximately 50,000 square meters. On the airside, it includes the development of a runway, apron, navigation systems, and aeronautical lighting. Additionally, a 25-kilometer road linkage is under construction to connect the airport to the regional network. Once completed, the airport is expected to serve as a crucial aviation hub for the southwest region of Iraq, significantly enhancing regional transportation.

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