CSCEC's exhibition area takes center stage at the 19th International Public Works Fair

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The grand opening of the 19th International Public Works Fair took place in Algiers recently, marking CSCEC's continuous participation for 12 years. Over the five-day event, more than 230 exhibitors from countries like Algeria, Turkey, and China were in attendance.

This year, the CSCEC exhibition area embraced the theme "CSCEC, a reliable partner in building the future," drawing the attention of industry peers, prominent media outlets, and delegations from universities. Notable guests, including Algerian Minister of Public Works and the Chinese Ambassador to Algeria, along with government officials, business leaders, and partners, graced the exhibition.


Algerian Minister of Public Works visits CSCEC's exhibition area

During the visit, the Minister of Public Works delved into CSCEC's key projects in the infrastructure sector. They gained insights into the key highlights presented by CSCEC, the practical application of relevant technological achievements, and the future development prospects.


Director of the highway management authority visits CSCEC's exhibition area


Director of the port infrastructure authority visits CSCEC's exhibition area


President of the Association Routière Algérienne visits CSCEC's exhibition area


CSCEC representatives meet with the Chairman of Algeria's state-owned company Infrafer

CSCEC's pavilion showcased exhibitions in three major sectors—railway, port, and highway—highlighting CSCEC's involvement in numerous global infrastructure projects. The presentation outlined the significant achievements in the field of infrastructure for this exhibition.




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