As one of the world's largest investment and construction groups, China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) received a total of 14 Luban Prizes for Overseas Engineering for its projects in 2019-2020, showing its comprehensive strength in an all-round way.

Luban Prize for Overseas Engineering is one of the highest awards in China for construction and engineering quality of overseas projects, which has continuously promoted the quality of overseas projects by Chinese construction enterprises and reflected the high standard and high level of the projects.

New Building of Chinese Consulate-General in Munich

  The new building of the Chinese Consulate-General in Munich, Germany, is 6.5 kilometers away from the city center, with a total construction area of 13,000 square meters. It is equipped with official residence, office building, dormitory apartment, consular department, guard room, etc., which is the largest consulate-general of China in Europe so far. The design is characterized by oriental culture, adhering to the concept of "seek common ground while reserving differences", and it is a ...

New Building of Chinese Consulate-General in Munich

The new building of the Chinese Consulate-General in Munich, Germany, is 6.5 kilometers away from the city center, with a total construction area of 13,000 square meters. It is equipped with official residence, office building, dormitory apartment, consular department, guard room, etc., which is the largest consulate-general of China in Europe so far. The design is characterized by oriental culture, adhering to the concept of "seek common ground while reserving differences", and it is a classic work representing China's image in Germany and Europe.

The project has adopted the highest construction standards in China and Germany, strictly carried out quality planning and process management in construction, and applied BIM technology to the whole construction process, so as to realize the comprehensive integration of "Internet plus technology" and construction, and improve quality and efficiency. The project is accepted by Technical University of Munich in one go, which is assessed as an inspection exemption project. The project has also won three domestic utility model patents, one German patent, Category II achievement award of Beijing engineering construction and the first prize in the first construction organization design competition of Beijing architectural decoration industry.

The Exchange 106 (TRX Signature Tower)

  The Exchange 106 is the tallest project contracted by Chinese-funded enterprises overseas, and is also the tallest building in Malaysia at present. Located in TRX international financial district in Kuala Lumpur, the Exchange 106 covers an area of 15,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 400,000 square meters, including 4 floors underground and 97 floors above the ground, wi...

The Exchange 106 (TRX Signature Tower)

The Exchange 106 is the tallest project contracted by Chinese-funded enterprises overseas, and is also the tallest building in Malaysia at present. Located in TRX international financial district in Kuala Lumpur, the Exchange 106 covers an area of 15,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 400,000 square meters, including 4 floors underground and 97 floors above the ground, with a total height of 452 meters. It is the tallest building built overseas by Chinese-funded enterprises and was constructed by CSCEC. The main quantities of the project include 150,000 cubic meters of concrete, 320,000 square meters of formwork, 33,000 tons of steel bars, 25,000 tons of steel structures and 59 elevators.The structural form of the project is as follows: the foundation is raft foundation; the underground part of the tower is a framed tube structure; the above-ground part is a steel framed tube structure; and the podium building is a frame structure. Two outrigger trusses are set on floors L47 and L86.

CSCEC has led more than 20 Chinese sub-suppliers and more than 200 Malaysian sub-suppliers to participate in the project, which has not only promoted the development of Chinese-funded enterprises overseas, but also directly facilitated the regional economic development of Malaysia, and achieved common development and win-win results.

The Headquarters Building of Prince Group Holdings Limited

  The Headquarters Building Project of Prince Group Holdings Limited is a modern commercial office building with a total construction area of about 35,000 square meters. The building is invested by Prince Holding Group in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with an investment of 43 million US dollars in 2018. It is a super 5A-level headquarters building representing the highe...

The Headquarters Building of Prince Group Holdings Limited

The Headquarters Building Project of Prince Group Holdings Limited is a modern commercial office building with a total construction area of about 35,000 square meters. The building is invested by Prince Holding Group in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with an investment of 43 million US dollars in 2018. It is a super 5A-level headquarters building representing the highest standard of the Kingdom of Cambodia. It is a landmark building and a model of local ecological energy-saving buildings in Cambodia. Built by CSCEC, the project was started on  July 5th, 2018, and officially completed on May 21, 2019.

BSCA. Bank Main Office

  The main office of the BSCA. Bank is located at the intersection of Denis Sassou N'Guesso Boulevard and Friendship Road in the center of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. It is a top-level smart building in the Republic of Congo and has become a new landmark building in Brazzaville. The BSCA. Bank is established under the care and promotion of the leaders of China and the Republic of the Congo, which is the fruit of China-Africa financial cooperation. It is know...

BSCA. Bank Main Office

The main office of the BSCA. Bank is located at the intersection of Denis Sassou N'Guesso Boulevard and Friendship Road in the center of Brazzaville, the capital of  the Republic of the Congo. It is a top-level smart building in the Republic of Congo and has become a new landmark building in Brazzaville. The BSCA. Bank is established under the care and promotion of the leaders of China and the Republic of the Congo, which is the fruit of China-Africa financial cooperation. It is known as"the first bank of the people of the Republic of Congo" by the Congolese, and it is a model project of strategic cooperation between China and the Republic of the Congo.